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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Apocalypse The Path for Transformation - Al Rama Lahan

This story develops into a trilogy where the reader, following the story, finds a way to a self-development, self-empowerment and spiritual and self realization.

The book title "Apocalypse" relates to the unexpected secrets and revelations resulting by the reading of the books, wich are the answers that each one is searching for.

In this book, sub-titled "The Path for Transformation", the author describes the fantastic journey of a person in search of a purpose on its life an its transformation.

This book is a picture of the challenges we face constantly when we engage in our path of personal and spiritual development, resulting from changes and choices we have to do.

In this book is intended that the main character reflects every human being on its path of self and spiritual realization. So, the reader has here an opportunity to know how to identify those challenges, win them and get a better perspective how to engage on its path smoothly.

The book 2 sub-title is "The Truth of Love" and the book 3 sub-title is "The Life and Beyond".

You can vote for this book at A-ID:

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