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The Next Top Spiritual Author Competition is an unique possibility for the public to vote into existence the message they have been waiting for. Over 2.500 writers joined this competition to share with you their spiritual message. 750 pitches have already been released into the world.You can vote on these messages by following the author ID link and voting there. And you can help spread the messages of your choice by adding them to your favorite Social Media! We the authors thank you.
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Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Destiny Decision Integrating Choice and Grace on Your Sacred Path of Purpose - Michelle Casto

The Destiny Decision is a book to answer the age-old questions--Who am I? Why am I here? How Can I serve?

This book has been given in divine timing for the massive shift in consciousness that Planet Earth is experiencing. The Destiny Decision is an experiential journey ideal for the seeker who is ready to find their treasure within, discover their soul's purpose, and say Yes, Yes, Yes to the life that is waiting for them.

Vote for this book at A-ID:

1 comment:

Charles Betterto(W)n said...

Thank you Sabriye: I will vote for your book and would love to explore other ways we might collaborate. Your book ties in perfectly with our series in the Ultimate Destiny Success System Library and our new series of more spiritually oriented titles like the one I entered in the contest.
Charles Betterton of

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