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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Listening to Grace How walking in the light of Spirit can change your life. - Nicole Quinn

Listening to Grace: How walking in the light of Spirit can change your life, takes the reader on a journey through the spiritual journey of its author, Nicole Quinn, as well as the experiences and discoveries she has made along the way. As Spirits having a human experience, we are here with an agenda to learn lessons and to grow. These lessons are not easy, but when you look at your life through the eyes of the Spirit that dwells within, you begin to understand that you are not a helpless victim, and what you are experiencing is for a higher purpose. Your life will be filled with more joy and wonder as you begin to realize that you are a divine being with a connection to Spirit that cannot be broken. There is no death and no end to life- just the changing seasons. Getting to a place where you can see your life from this new perspective will allow you to see the higher purpose in your life, and you will never be the same again.

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